Gym – 309.0
So yesterday I missed the gym. Thursday night I took a couple of Advil PM so I could sleep and slept in too late yesterday to make it to the gym. The plan was to go after work. I ended up in Federal Way notarizing a document for a client. I thought the Y was open until 10 on Friday, but turns out they’re open until 9:30 and kick everyone out of the pool at 9. As I was planning to swim and didn’t get home until 8:30, it just wasn’t going to work. Bummer.
However, I did make it this morning. I got up at 5:30, and was out the door by around 6:20. ON A SATURDAY! I started out on the treadmill. I ran 2 miles at 5.5 MPH. Then I did 0.25 miles walking at 3.5 MPH. Then 0.25 miles running at 6.0 MPH. Another 0.15 miles walking at 3.5 MPH. Another 0.25 miles at 7.0 MPH and finally 0.2 miles at 4.0 MPH. 3.1 miles. I can’t remember my exact time, but I think it was somewhere around 35:40? All I know is it was likely my best 5K yet.
After a quick walk around the track to cool down a bit, I hit the weights. I did:
- 2 X 10 @ 135 lbs Bench press
- 1 X 8 @ 135 lbs Bench Press
- 2 X 10 @ 100 lbs Lat Pull Down
- 1 X 10 @ 90 lbs Lat Pull Down
- 3 X 10 @ 55 lbs Triceps Extension
- 3 X 10 @ 70 lbs Pectoral Fly
- 3 X “7 Ups” @ 20 lbs
- 100 Crunches
As of this morning, my weight is down to 309.0. And that’s after drinking 40 ounces of water at the gym during my workout. So I’m feeling pretty good that I’m headed in the right direction. In another hour or so, I’ll have made it one full week without drive thru food or soda. (I have had one Rock Star, but I told you that might happen!) While I didn’t make my goal of every day this week in the gym (M – Sa) I did do 6 workouts, so I’ll call it a wash. 🙂
If Teri and I don’t go to Eastern Washington tonight, the plan will be to ride 40 miles with the boyz tomorrow morning.