If you’re reading this, then odds are you have a roof over your head and hopefully someone to spend the day with. I think too often we forget what Thanksgiving is and merely use it as an excuse to “Go Gastric” for a day. But lets break it down shall we:
1) Thanks – Lets give thanks for what we have. I’m not trying to kid myself in saying that 2008 hasn’t been a rough year for a lot of people, yours truly included. But I’m sitting here at the breakfast bar in my home. The home is warm, the turkey is in the oven and the prime rib is soon to follow. I’m thankful for a loving wife, a caring family, a beautiful home, and some pretty terrific friends. If you’re in that group, and you know who you are, thank you for you and thank you for me. Without you, there is no me. I love you all and am truly thankful for the support you’ve given me this year and every year. I only hope I can repay you someday. While the stock market continues to languish and the housing market isn’t far behind, we can all count our blessings and know that today, all is forgotten. Today is the day to relish in the warmth of friends and family, eat good food, tell funny stories, undo the belt buckle and give thanks.
2) Giving – For whatever reason, on major holidays, Thanksgiving and Christmas, Teri and are are orphaned. So we try to plan a gathering with friends. Today two of Teri’s co-workers, also orphaned, will be joining us for dinner. We love to give during this time of year and what better way to give than to throw a dinner party. So that’s what we’re doing. I’ll admit, that I’ve always wanted to go serve dinner in a soup kitchen, but my own insecurities have thus far prevented me from doing it. It’s always maybe next year. So, maybe next year? For now giving to friends is good enough. Maybe next year, giving to strangers will be.
Happy thanksgiving everyone. I love you. I hope you’re home and warm and enjoying the day.